Baltimore Shakespeare Factory!

I recently teamed up with DC Metro Theater Arts to start providing reviews (of movies even!). In fact, there's already one up on the site: a review of Baltimore Shakespeare Factory's production of The Winter's Tale. I know that I should probably talk more about the reviewing and the writing and stuff and I will, but what matters right now is that several members of the company of The Winter's Tale were gracious enough to get together with me and talk about Baltimore Shakespeare Factory and original pronunciation. A shortened version of this chat, the part that features an audio demonstration of what precisely that means, will show up over at DC Metro Theater Arts very soon. But for you, podcast listeners, you get the full experience. 

I sat down with Emily Sucher (assistant director), Brendan Edward Kennedy (Florizel), Terry O'Hara (Philoxenes), Chris Cotterman (Leontes, oh and BSF Associate Artistic Director), and Kathryn Zoerb (Mamillius/Perdita), a talented and fun group of people. They are also busy, busy people. Kathryn will be appearing in the upcoming Faction of Fools production of The Miser, featuring a brand new translation. That runs from June 2 to June 26. Brendan is in a stage reading of Arthur Schnitzler's The Green Cockatoo, part of WSC Avant Bard Scripts in Play Festival, this Thursday (April 14). Emily is in Arcturus Theater Company's production of August Strindberg's The Pelican, is reading Ophelia for "Gertrude, Queen of Denmark" on April 23rd at The Writer's Center, and she will be in Twelfth Night, which is, as Chris wants to remind everyone, is part of the remainder of BSF's 2016 season. That will also include the Julius Caesar that Chris is directing and the first BSF production of a Shakespeare contemporary, Thomas Dekker's The Shoemaker's Holiday. Whew. That's a lot of stuff. Enjoy that work, enjoy The Winter's Tale, which runs through April 24th, and now enjoy this.