Patrick Flynn!

Ladies and gentlemen, the podcast is off to a great start. Episode 1 was wonderful and Patrick Flynn, playwright, filmmaker, and professor keeps it rolling in Episode 2. Patrick is a fantastic conversationalist. We got started and it took a long time before we were forced to stop, so Episode 2 is going to be, wait for it, a two parter (and it is certainly not the last time that we will be chatting with Patrick). This is Part 1, where Patrick talks to me about his Giant Box of Porn, a big hit at the Capital Fringe Festival, what CapFringe is like, whether there is life after Fringe for #GBoP, how much the play has changed since it's debut at the Pinch in November of 2013, and movies, and life as a comedy improv podcaster in LA with Comedy Sportz LA in 2007(!), and movies, and . . . just so much. And that's just Part 1! 

If you like Mr. Flynn, please check out more of his work at his website, and his YouTube channel. You can find that best of episode right frickin' here. Or here.